sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2021

Save the Baby Whales!

No ano passado um amigo foi pai pela primeira vez e este foi o mimo que fiz para dar dar as boas vindas ao pequeno Peça!

para mais tarde recordar...
tamanho: 6 meses

agulhas 3.5 e 4.5 mm
fio BMG Affinitas Baby (qt estimadas, esqueci-me de pesar)
150 gr. #618 azul médio
50 gr #601 branco

Podem encontrar a receita original aqui.

Deixo abaixo as contas que usei, em inglês porque não me dei ao trabalho de traduzir...
Button band/buttonhole band
kbb: knit button band/buttonhole band (at the beginnig of a row: sl1yb, p5; at the end of a row p6

The buttonholes are worked every 20th row (WS) as followed:
Work until 6 from end; p2, yo, p2tog, p2. In the next row (RS) treat the loop as regular stitch and purl it normal, so you`ll get a little hole. buttonholes in row 6, 26, 46, 66, 86

With MC cast on 83 sts on needle size 3,5 mm
Note: Don`t forget to make the buttonholes!
Row 1: kbb, k1, p1, repeat from * to bb, kbb
Row 2: kbb, p1, k1, repeat from * to bb, kbb
Repeat row 1 and 2, 2 more times.
Row 7: Change to needle size 4.5 mm kbb, k11, pm, k11, pm, k27, pm, k11, pm, k11, kbb
WS rows: kbb, p to bb, kbb
Row 9 and following RS rows: sl 1, kbb, k to 1 st before marker, m1, k1, slip m, k1, m1, repeat 3 times more, k to bb, kbb (8 sts increase)
TOTAL 17 increase rows.

After your last increase row you should have 219 sts in total, distributed as follows:
buttonhole band 6 sts; left front 28 sts; left arm 45 sts; back 61 sts; right arm 45 sts; right front 28 sts; 6 sts button band

Split for Body
Note: Don`t forget to make the buttonholes!
In the next row divide for sleeves and body as follows:
kbb, k28, place the 45 arm sts on a st holder or spare circular needle without knitting, join yarn to back and k61, 45 arm sts on a st holder or spare circular needle without knitting, join yarn to front and k28.
Knit in stockinette (and kbb) until 12 rows.

Whale pattern and stranded knitting part
Note: Don`t forget to make the buttonholes! 
Work chart 1 (size 1-3 months) as follows: with MC kbb, join colour A, work to pattern repeat, work pattern repeat 13 times, work to end of chart, kbb.
Knit 2 rows with MC only: kbb, work in stockinette to bb, kbb
Work chart 2 (size 3-6 months) as follows:
with MC kbb, join colour A, work pattern repeat A 3 times (with an extra sts in between), work to pattern repeat B, work pattern repeat B 3 times (with an extra sts in between), with MC kbb
Knit 2 rows with MC only: kbb, work in stockinette to bb, kbb
Work chart 3 (size 1-3 months) as follows:
with MC kbb, join colour A, work to pattern repeat, work pattern repeat 13 times, work to bb, with MC kbb
Knit 4 rows with MC only: kbb, work in stockinette to bb, kbb
Change to needle size 3,5 mm and work 9 rows:
RS rows: kbb, k1, p1, repeat from * to bb, kbb
WS rows: kbb, p1, k1, repeat from * to bb, kbb
With WS facing BO loosely.

Knit the 45 sleeve sts, placing marker at the beginning and work in the round 10 rounds before 1st decrease round.
decrease row: k1, k2tog, k until 3 sts to end, ssk, k1.
Repeat the decrease row every 8th round, total 5 times = 35 sts.
Switch to 3.5mm needles, ssk (1 st of 1/1 ribbing) = 34 sts.
Work 9 rows in 1/1 ribbing. BO.

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